
I started coding in Java, I didn’t care about if it was in OOP because I only wanted to know more about the language and the syntax, the programs were easy but at the first I spent a lot of time to print something from one method. It was stressful until I knew that I had to call any method from the main method…  -_-  it was stupid.

This one is a song (supposedly) I hadn’t hear about but its called 99 bottles of beer you maybe realize why.

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-14 a la(s) 20.31.30

Then I made another program also not OOP called Fermat Theorem this says this:

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-14 a la(s) 20.34.04.png

So, here is my code:

Captura de pantalla 2016-02-14 a la(s) 20.35.36

And you would have two results:

“Holy smokes, Fermat was wrong!” if the result was different and

“No, that doesn’t work” if the result of variables  one and two were equal to variable three

Here are the links for both excercises:












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